Zirconia Dental Implants

Zirconia Dental Implants

Posted by SEATTLE DENTAL CARE Dec 26, 2022

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Zirconia Implants- A Biocompatible, Allergy-Free Approach To Tooth Replacement

Zirconia dental implants are made out of an incredibly strong, biocompatible, allergy free material called zirconia. These implants are typically recommended for patients with metal allergies or sensitivities to metals like nickel and chromium. The material doesn’t corrode easily and is resistant to the effects of wear and tear over time. Zirconia implants are often preferred over titanium implants for several reasons, as they eliminate certain risks associated with titanium implants.

Risks Associated With Titanium Implants

Titanium is a metal alloy that is strong and resistant to corrosion and oxidation. It is a common material used to make surgical implantation screws. However, there are some risks associated with the placement of titanium dental implants. These risks include:

  • Metal allergies
  • Allergy to titanium coating
  • Allergic reactions due to nickel in titanium alloys
  • Discoloration of the gums when placed too close to the gum line
  • Potential for dental implant failure
  • Toxicity from oral bacteria metabolizing titanium pigments

The Benefits of Zirconia Implants

Zirconia is a great material for dental implants because of its durability, biocompatibility, and aesthetics. Zirconia is a type of ceramic that is made in a laboratory from specific elements, including zirconia oxide and other oxides and metals. This makes it stronger than other ceramics like porcelain. The major benefits of zirconia implants are as follows:

  • The first thing to know about zirconia dental implants is that the material is actually biocompatible, so it’s compatible with your body’s natural chemistry. This means that, unlike titanium implants, zirconium won’t trigger any allergic reactions or adverse reactions in the body. By choosing to have zirconia dental implants placed, patients can also avoid the risks of allergic reaction that is a side effect of titanium implants. Titanium implants contain nickel, which can build up in the body and lead to the development of metal allergies and other health problems. These allergies can range from simple skin rashes to anaphylaxis, which is a life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical attention. Although these types of allergic reactions are rare, they are possible in patients who are allergic to metals.
  • Aside from this biocompatibility benefit, another benefit of using zirconia implants is their aesthetic quality. While both zirconia and titanium can blend in seamlessly with the gum line, aesthetically speaking, our dentists often prefer zirconia over titanium due to its more natural-looking coloring. In comparison to traditional titanium implants, zirconia dental implants are seamless and translucent. This gives the restoration a more natural appearance and allows light to pass through the implant, so the gums appear healthy and natural. 
  • Additionally, zirconia implant posts require less drilling than traditional titanium posts. This ensures minimal structural damage to the jaw bone and minimizes the risk of nerve injury during surgery.
  • One of the biggest advantages of zirconia dental implants is their high resistance to corrosion and other forms of damage. Unlike titanium, this ceramic material will not corrode when exposed to common substances such as water, coffee, or soda. This means that patients who have zirconia implants do not have to worry about staining their implant or having other chemical agents attack it and cause further damage to their mouth.
  • Another advantage of zirconia is its durability. When compared to the lifespans of other materials, such as gold or porcelain, zirconia has a longer life span due to its unique molecular makeup. Because of these properties, zirconia is also used to make dental crowns due to its unrivaled strength. Patients who have these crowns placed can enjoy them for years without worrying about the implant fracturing or becoming damaged in any way. 
  • Lastly, zirconium is a metal-free material and contains no traces of nickel, so it’s great for patients with metal allergies.

Overall, zirconia implants are a great material for replacement teeth because they offer a number of benefits—including biocompatibility, aesthetics, and metal-free composition. 

To learn more, please contact the holistic dentist in Seattle, WA, at (206) 728-1330 or visit us at 2107 Elliott Ave Ste 210, Seattle, WA 98121. We will be happy to guide you further.

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