Holistic Dental exams & x-rays

Holistic Dental exams & x-rays

Posted by Seattle Dental Care Jan 19, 2023

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Dental exams & x-rays

Dental conditions can change rapidly. Unfortunately, tooth decay and gum disease, and even abscessed teeth often don’t hurt. This is especially true with gum disease and tooth decay as well. The reason I say "unfortunately" is that if it hurts you would do something about it. Often times clients mistake no pain in the teeth and no bleeding gums when they brush as everything is fine. Virtually every day that I see clients, we find something significant that the client was unaware of. The earlier we find a problem the easier it is to correct. My focus is on the prevention of disease, and minimally invasive bio-compatible dentistry. Often times a client can prevent problems by making a few changes, such as:

1. Routine exam and x-ray for early detection and prevention of disease
2. Routine dental cleaning combined with our ozone therapy to remove build-ups and prevent/minimize tooth decay. 

At Seattle Dental Care, our team of dedicated biological dentist will ensure that you receive the best care possible and that you understand the importance of preventive care and nutrition. If you're ready to experience the best holistic dentistry, please contact holistic dentist Seattle at (206) 728-1330 or visit us at 2107 Elliott Ave Ste 210, Seattle, WA 98121. We will be happy to guide you further.

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